Minimization of environmental impacts of mining could be achieved through the following processes or measures.
• Reduce inputs:
The mining industry uses a large amount of water and land in their operations. One solution to becoming more
environmentally sustainable is to reduce the input of the mine.
By diverting surface water and pumping groundwater, mines
can reduce both the quantity and quality of water available
downstream for aquatic ecosystems and other use.
With regard to energy, a mining company can look into
alternative energy sources such as solar or wind power. By
reducing the energy usage.
• Reduce outputs:
Mining produces materials such as solid waste, mine water
and air particles, all of which vary in their makeup and
potential for environmental contamination. Waste
management plans are required in order to prevent soil, air
and water pollution.
• Proper waste disposal:
Correct waste disposal is vital to curbing the environmental
impact of mines, as some mining companies do not dispose
of their waste according to guidelines. Companies can invest
in equipment that helps in turning waste into reusable
material, as well as adopting policies that allow for a more
eco-friendly waste disposal routine.
• Improving the manufacturing process:
The efficiency of the mining process can often leave much to
be desired, but improving the efficiency of this process can
help towards lessening the environmental impact. This also
allows companies to regulate processes which may be lacking
in environmental friendliness.
• Replenishing the environment:
replenishing the environment. This simple act can go a long
way towards increasing the environmental sustainability of
mining. There are simple solutions that can be followed, such
as replenishing native soils and grasses, cleaning excess
waste, proper waste removal, site inspections and replanting
trees and natural forestry.
• Final words:
In order to lessen their impact on the environment, mining
companies should look into using sustainable equipment and
waste disposal procedures.
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